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Absolute quality, durability and reliability— these are the qualities that we seek when utilising the best products from our best suppliers. We all know that Australia has some of the harshest weather conditions. To make it easier for our clients and customers, we aim to find and source the best products out there to satisfy their needs.

From our tiniest sprinklers, filters, pumps, pipes, adhesives and other products are surely of absolute quality from they are brought to us by our most reliable suppliers. Take your time browsing and have a click on the pictures to know more information about the products in this catalogue. We are proud to inform you that these products are from our trusted suppliers such as WILO Pumps, DARVEY Pumps, LOWARD Pumps—  naming only some.

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Hunter Bubblers & Bubbler Nozzles


Bublers & Bubler Nozzles

Hunter presents a way to meet your deep watering needs that offers considerably more efficiency than drip irrigation. With the ability to compensate for pressure differences, the Hunter PCB (and PCN, which attaches directly to pop-up spray bodies) allows the output of water to remain constant regardless of the input pressure, resulting in a precise application never before achieved in bubblers. The same holds true with the MSBN and 5-CST-B nozzles, designed for deep watering of larger planted areas. Now, every plant, shrub or tree can receive the same amount of water required with no excess runoff or waste. Best of all, because it’s so simple to install, you’ll have the perfect alternative to drip…no fancy filtration, no unsighlty above-ground tubes, and considerably less chance of damage. For a more attractive, more efficient way to deep water, let the idea of Hunter’s bubbler products to sink in.

With the pressure compensating nozzle (PCN), you get all the advantages over traditional drip irrigation plus a product that sits atop a riser that retracts into the ground when not in use. It’s the most tamper proof, eye appealing method of deep watering available today (attention specifiers…you’re going to like this).

spray-head-nozzles-pcbFour different PCB models means that you can choose from colourcoded flow rates of either 0.91, 1.91, 3.81 or 7.61 litres per minute to eliminate guesswork and guarantee that all your greenery gets exactly the water it needs. Or choose the AFB model which pressure compensates to a 7.61 LPM flow and can be fine-tuned with a stainless steel screw adjustment.

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