Hunter Specialty Nozzles

Hunter Specialty Nozzles

Pop-up Micro Spray Nozzleshunter-speciality-nozzles-1

The unique pop-up design of the Hunter Micro-Spray Nozzle, coupled with the fact that it attaches directly to a pop-up sprinkler, makes this alternative to drip a winner. When not in use, both the nozzle and spray head body retract, so nothing sticks up above the surface.

Short Radius Nozzles

hunter-speciality-nozzles-2Hunter Short Radius Nozzles permit well-controlled easy watering of planter boxes and bed areas. These nozzles (in 2-, 4-, and 6-foot radius versions) are just the answer for small spaces that have longed for a better solution than trying to drastically reduce the radius range on a nozzle designed for longer throws.

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